1&2: Intro/Tuning
Chapter 1: Introduction
1/2: Complexity vs. Beauty
1/3: My 53-eq Journey
Chapter 2: Music History Coming Full Circle
Harmonic Series, Western Music
2/2: The Harmonic Series
2/3: Ancient China
2/4: Greece; Harmonic Lattice
2/5: Ancient Greece; Cents
2/6: Didymus and Ptolemy
2/7: Catholic & Byzantine Churches
2/8: Commas & Meantone Temperament
Leaving Eden
2/9: Journey Away from Eden
2/10: Helmholtz and Colleagues
2/11: India & Musical Imperialism
2/12: Middle East
2/13: Atonality
2/14: Modern Explorations
2/15: Back to Eden
3,4,5: Setup
Chapter 3: The World Wide Musical Web
3/2: Circles of Fifths and the World Wide Musical Web
3/3: The Skhisma; Keyboard Design
3/4: Diagramming Scales, Chords
Chapter 4: Pitch and Notation
4/2: Meanings of All 53 Notes
4/3: Ratios
4/4: Partials of Harmonic Series
4/5: Creating Just Intervals, Chords
4/6: Daniélou
Chapter 5: Four 53-eq Realms
6-10: Ancient Music/Scales
Chapter Six: China and the Far East
6/2: Ancient China
6/3: East Asia
Chapter Seven: Greece, Rome, Church Modes
7/2: Ancient Greece
7/3: the Planets
7/4: The Harmonists
7/5: Catholic/Byzantine Scales
Chapter 8: The Middle East
8/2: Arabic Theorists
8/3: Ajnas and Maqams
8/4: Persia and Turkey
8/5: Other Middle East Scales
Chapter Nine: Indian Tunings
9/2: Indian Raga
9/3: Harmonic Intervals East & West
9/4: Sruti
9/5: Nine-Note Scales
Chapter 10: Other Ancient Cultures
11-13 Western Music
Chapter 11: Western Classical Music
11/2: Enharmonics and Chords 53 vs 12
11/3: Scales and Triads
11/4: Condissonance
11/5: Seventh Chords
11/6: Notating Scales/Inversions
11/7: Voicing Rules
11/8: Commas in 12-eq
11/9: 53-eq commas
11/10: Microtonal Voicing
11/11: Inversions
Chapter 12: Dronal Music vs. Modulation
12/2: Dronal Harmony
12/3: Mathieu’s Magic Mode
12/4: Monophony and Polyphony
Chapter 13: Tonicization, Modulation and Ancient Modes
13/2: Musical Home
13/3: Deceptive Tonicization and Modulation
13/4: Modal Modulation
14-16: Music’s Future
Chapter 14: Seventh Harmonic and Music of the Future
14/2: Is Tonality Finished?
14/3: Septimal Intervals
14/4: Septimal Scales and Seventh Chords
14/5: Diaschisma
14/6: Septimal Chord Progressions
Chapter 15: 20th Century Styles
15/2: Schönberg
15/3: Tone Clusters
15/4: Whole Tone Scales etc.
Chapter 16: Musical Energies
16/2: Musical Spirituality
16/3: Chakras
16/4: Astrology
16/5: I Ching
16/6: Sound and Color
16/7: Numerology
16/8: Conspiracy Theories
16/9 Conclusion
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